Reoccuring Work Orders
If you have developed a solid base of reoccurring customers or plan to, you’ll benefit from our reoccurring work order system. It works like this.

When a customer books online and selects a frequency such as weekly or monthly, or if you create an invoice or work order and select one of these reoccurring frequencies, the following will happen:

  1. A ‘master work order' will be created. This isn’t something that the customer will need to pay. Rather, this is a digital document upon which future work orders are based on.

  2. Future-dated work orders and appointments will automatically be created off of the ‘master work order' based on the selected frequency. In other words, if a customer books an appointment for June 1st and indicates that they would like service monthly, a future dated work order and appointment will be created for every 4 weeks into the future.
The automatic creation of these work orders and appointments will prevent you from having to create them manually. They will also allow you to understand future commitments months into the future.

At any time, if you need to add services, remove services, change pricing, change the customer’s address, change the frequency or the time of the reoccurring appointment, or change the preferred team for this work, all you have to do is update the master work order and these changes will be pushed to all future-dated appointments and work orders. In addition, if you need to modify (or cancel) individual appointments, this is as simple as editing a regular work order.

Finally, if the customer decides to end service with your company, cancelling all future-dated work orders and appointments can be done at the click of a button.

This flexible and powerful system is sure to save you time while improving the quality of your scheduling records.
A Free Plan that Rocks
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Quoting, invoicing, and other features are free until you hit $1000 in monthly sales.

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