Employee Portal - Job Declines
If an employee is unable or doesn’t prefer to work a particular job, with the appropriate premissions set, he or she can remove themselves from the job. It works like this.

Open the employee settings of the employee that you wish to grant this permission to.

Enable the ‘Can reject jobs’ switch. Also, indicate the exclusion period that the employee can’t reject jobs for. For example, if you put 3 in the field below, The employee will not be able to reject any jobs that are scheduled to start within the next three days. By setting this buffer, this prevents a situation where an employee rejects a job shortly before it is to begin.
Once this employee has been granted this permission, within the calendar of their employee portal, they’ll see delete icons on all of the jobs that they’ve been scheduled to. For jobs that fall outside of the exclusion period, the employee will be able to click on the trash bin icon and the job will be deleted from their schedule.
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